@extends('layouts.auth', ['no_header' => 1]) @section('title', 'POS Installation - Check server') @section('content')

{{ config('app.name', 'POS') }} Installation Step 2 of 3

@include('install.partials.nav', ['active' => 'app_details'])
{!! session('error') !!}
@endif @if ($errors->any())
    @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
  • {{ $error }}
  • @endforeach
{{ csrf_field() }}

Application Details

License Details Make sure to provide correct information from Envato/codecanyon

For Newsletter & support


Database Details Make sure to provide correct information

Email Configuration Use for sending mails

Installation in progress, Please do not refresh, go back or close the browser.
@endsection @section('javascript') @endsection